Phone: +56 2 2632 6868 • Mail: • ENG / SPA



Matus de la Parra Private Client is an area specialized in the security of our clients' assets, covering needs beyond corporate ones and providing cross-cutting advice to people.
The experience and quality of our lawyers allows us to dedicate exclusive resources in matters of great relevance to our clients, covering those areas that allow a sustainable and safe development of their personal family assets.
Within our Private Client service, those areas of practice related to corporate and corporate counseling for the proper development of our clients' businesses stand out.
In addition, we have a team with extensive knowledge in criminal, family labor and conflict resolution matters that allow us to bring our advice on services.

Our Studio.

MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados is a Law Firm born from the wake of a thirty-eight-year-old association between attorneys Miguel Schweitzer W., and Omar Matus de la Parra S., as partners of SCHWEITZER & CÍA. Broadening from a mutual agreement, they decide to privilege their specific areas of practice: Miguel Schweitzer W. upholding the Criminal field, while Omar Matus de la Parra S. maintaining —in conjunction with MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados associate attorneys— the expansion of the Corporate, Labor, Litigation and Regulatory fields, while sustaining the existing collaborative bond of both former partners.

Our Firm’s team of attorneys stands out for the quality and excellence in the performance of its duties, where cohesion, participative attitude, search for innovative solutions and collective visualization of goals and objectives, allows MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados to be a Firm of professionals fully committed to each other and, above all, to the work we perform daily. MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados is one of the pioneer law firms in Chile in gender equity and equal pay.

Our Firm’s team has extensive experience in all areas we provide advisory services, steering our skills mainly towards corporate matters, real estate litigation, commercial and civil proceedings. Our practice also comprises mediations, administrative and judicial defense in the health sector and comprehensive advisory and litigation in the labor area, including collective bargaining strategies.

     Practice Areas.

Civil litigations and defense in regulatory subjects

Civil litigations and defense in regulatory subjects

It is the talent, commitment and credentials of the members who encompass the litigation team which grant a hallmark of outstanding performance in the judicial field, yielding a favorable outcome in the defenses undertaken.
In addition, the high level of knowledge and specialization in specific subjects and topics related to the health sector, positions MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados as one of the most recognized law Firms in this field.


  • Civil and commercial trials
  •  Breach of contracts
  •  Damage settlements
  •  Lawsuits on consumer protection
  •  Judgments and advisory on health matters
  •  Mediations in health
  •  Administrative litigation and sanction procedures
  •  Arbitrations
  •  Advisory on regulatory issues



Corporate law

Our advisory services to small, medium and large size ventures provide the essential guide and support to those who seek to convert an idea into a business.

  • Corporate organization and restructuring
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Advisory to large companies
  • Startups
  • Corporate governance
  • Due diligence
  • Study of property titles and public deeds
  • Purchase and sale agreements
  • Advisory on contractual matters
  • Advisory on regulatory issues


Labor law

Our clients receive a comprehensive company background survey that includes records, facilities, personnel and procedures —among other reports— to expedite the risk assessment process that may lead them to accurately conclude to what extent the company under scrutiny meets the standards set by law on labor issues, hygiene and safety. The result of such assessment is presented in a final report delivered to the client along with a compliance form (Labor Compliance).

  • Labor Audit (Labor Compliance)
  • Legal advisory in the preparation of labor documents such as employment contracts, internal regulations, letters of dismissal and settlements, among others
  • Collective bargaining
  • Labor lawsuits and labor inspection
  • Specific training for each client


Omar Matus de la Parra Sardá

Omar Matus de la Parra Sardá
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Omar Matus de la Parra S., earned his law degree from Universidad de Chile in 1980.

In 2001 he obtained his Diploma in Criminal Procedure Reform, Oral Proceedings and Litigation from Universidad Diego Portales.
In 2005 he obtained his Diploma in Clinical Bioethics from Universidad de Chile.

He served as Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at Universidad de Chile between 1974 and 1976 and at Universidad Finis Terrae, from 1992 until 1997.
He joined Schweitzer & Cía. in 1980 as an associate, and then became partner of the Firm from 1992 until 2018.

He initially stood out for his professional expertise in both, the Criminal and Labor Litigation fields. He currently is senior partner at MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados, focusing his activity on the Commercial and Corporate Advisory fields and, particularly, in all matters related to the health sector.

He is a member of the Chilean Bar Association A.G.

Catalina Matus de la Parra Y.

Catalina Matus de la Parra Yelincic
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Catalina Matus de la Parra Y., earned her law degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 2011.

She joined Schweitzer & Cía. as associate lawyer in 2011 until 2018.
She currently is Head of the Corporate Advisory Area of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.

She is a member of the Chilean Bar Association A.G.

Felipe Figueroa

Felipe Figueroa Figueroa
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Felipe Figueroa F., earned his law degree from Universidad de Chile in 2012.
He joined Schweitzer & Cía. as associate lawyer in 2011 until 2018.

He currently is Head of the Litigation and Advisory Area on Civil Matters and Consumer Rights of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.


Florencia Díaz Saavedra
Tel.: (+562) 26326868

Florencia Díaz S. estudió Derecho en la Universidad del Desarrollo y se tituló de abogada el año 2017. Se diplomó en Prueba y Litigación Adversarial dentro del proceso Penal Chileno, en la Universidad Diego Portales y actualmente se encuentra cursando Magister en Derecho Público en la Universidad Finis Terrae.

Formó parte del Estudio jurídico Lathrop Blanco & Goldbaum, entre los años 2017 y agosto de 2021, desempeñándose como abogada litigante en el área penal, teniendo a su cargo la tramitación de causas de alta complejidad y connotación pública, litigando ante Juzgados de Garantía y Tribunales superiores de justicia. Posee una vasta experiencia liderando la tramitación de investigaciones en delitos económicos, delitos sexuales y violencia intrafamiliar, participando también activamente en casos de liquidaciones concursales, siempre ligadas desde un enfoque penal.

Actualmente, dirige el área de litigación penal en Matus de La Parra Abogados.

Grimme Vilches

Grimme Vilches Tuteleers
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Grimme Vilches T., earned her law degree from Universidad Central in 2008.
She obtained her Diploma in Subcontracting and New Labor Justice with Litigation from Universidad de Chile.

She received her master’s degree in Advanced Public Management from Universidad de Barcelona, Spain.

She worked for the Labor Department of Chile from 2009 until 2014.
She joined Schweitzer & Co., as an associate lawyer in 2014 until 2018.

She currently works in the Litigation and Labor Advisory Area of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.

Languages: Spanish, English and French.

Fabiola Manríquez

Fabiola Manríquez Zambrano
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Fabiola Manríquez Z., earned her law degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 2011. She received her Diploma in Insurance Law from the aforementioned university in 2014.

She joined Schweitzer & Co., as associate lawyer in 2015 until 2018.

She currently works in the Litigation and Advisory on Civil Matters Area, and Mediations for the Health Sector of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.
Languages: Spanish and English.

Valeria Corrales

Valeria Corrales Oñate
Telephone: (+562) 26326868
Valeria Corrales O., earned her law degree from Universidad de Málaga, Spain in 2012.

She received her Diploma in Real Estate Law from Universidad de los Andes and holds a master’s degree in Business Legal Advice from Universidad de Málaga.

She also holds a Diploma in Accounting for Lawyers from Universidad del Desarrollo.

She joined Schweitzer & Co. as associate lawyer in 2015 until 2018.
She currently works in the Corporate Advisory Area of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.


Camila Barros Toledo
Telephone: (+562) 26326868

Camila Barros T., earned her law degree from Universidad Diego Portales in 2014. She received her Diploma in Negotiation and Resolution of Real Estate Conflicts from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in 2016.

She joined Schweitzer & Co. as associate lawyer in 2017 until 2018.

She currently works in the Litigation and Advisory on Civil Matters, as well as the Family and Consumer Rights Areas of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.


Catalina Agurto

Catalina Agurto Soto
Telephone: (+562) 2632-6868

Catalina Agurto S., earned her law degree from Universidad Internacional SEK in 2018. She joined Schweitzer & Cía. in 2018.

Shecurrently works in the Corporate Advisory Area of MATUS DE LA PARRA Abogados.



Tel.: (+562) 2632-6868

Paula Valenzuela C., estudió Derecho en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y se tituló como abogada el año 2020. Se diplomó en Nuevas Tendencias en Contratos y Daños, en la misma universidad, el año 2021.
Durante el pregrado, Paula se desempeñó como procuradora judicial en distintas oficinas de abogados, y realizó su práctica profesional en la Superintendencia de Insolvencia y Reemprendimiento.
Actualmente, se desempeña en el área de litigación, arbitrajes y asesoría en materias civiles, así como también en materias de regulación en el área de salud.

Idiomas: Español e Inglés.
Secretaria: Fabiola Vega Sánchez

María Jesús

María Jesús Gutiérrez Braghetto
Tel.: (+562) 26326868

María Jesús Gutiérrez Braghetto estudió Derecho en la Universidad Finis Terrae y se tituló de abogada el año 2018. El año 2021 se diplomó en Criminología en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Realizó su práctica profesional en el Ministerio Público, específicamente en la unidad de TCM de la Fiscalía Local de Ñuñoa, y en general sus labores tuvieron por objeto prestar apoyo a los Fiscales, Abogados Asistentes, en torno a la investigación y tramitación de causas penales por hechos que revistieren caracteres de delito. Durante el año 2018 fue profesora ayudante de la Cátedra de Litigación Penal de la Universidad Finis Terrae.

Entre los años 2018 y 2020 formó parte del Estudio Jurídico H2O Abogados Limitada, como abogada en el área de Recurso Naturales. Durante el año 2021 formó parte del área penal del Estudio Jurídico Lathrop Blanco & Goldbaum.

Actualmente, forma parte del área de litigación penal de Matus de La Parra Abogados.

Idiomas: Español, Inglés.
Secretaria: Fabiola Vega Sánchez



Dellafiori Abogados is dedicated solely to providing services in the area of Intellectual Property and Industrial Property in the broadest sense, including: trademarks, patents, drawings and industrial designs, utility models, copyright and related rights, trade secrets, Internet, contractual issues, new technologies, data protection and other related matters.


Send Us a message using the form below, you can also write US at
Phone: (56-2) 2632 6868 • Miraflores 178, Piso 15. Santiago, Chile

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